“What size handbags should I carry?” There is no perfect answer to the question, for let us remember that style is a reflection of personality. Whether you carry small size handbags, medium size handbags, or large size handbags, deciding fashion should be fun! Its suggested that you play around and experiment with different handbag sizes until you find the one that reflects your own personal style.
How do handbags measure up? There are three basic factors such as Length (L), Height (H), and finally Width (W). For example, the Night Sky is a small shoulder bag that measures 8 inches long, 8 inches high and 3 inches wide. When shopping online, it’s a good idea to keep a ruler nearby so that you can imagine the size of your future bags before taking the plunge and making a purchase.
Now let’s look at the qualities and functionality of the different size bags.
When people refer to large sized handbags, they usually mean tote bags, over the shoulder bags, and intentionally oversized handbags. This look includes ‘tote-style’ bags which are some of the biggest trends at major fashion houses today. Our Contrasting Trim Denim Handbag is a good example.

Last fall large size handbags were all the rage, and although the obsession may have simmered down this season just a bit, they still tend to be very popular and very much in style.
Medium bags are the trusted staple in everyday bags. They are easy to style and leave room for many interesting features, other than just size. Add a little sparkle and bling and the question of size is no longer the primary focus.

Our designers create handbags that experiment with color, interesting textures and sparkling stones, as well as an emphasis on value and sustainability. The Studded & Stone Tote is a good example of what our designers have achieved in a medium-sized handbag. This versatile bag is exciting and stylish in many ways.
It can be said that big versatility can come in small packages!
While small bags might seem less ostentatious than medium or large size handbags, small size seems to mean more in style that you would imagine, as they continue to adorn the arms of celebrities from Paris to Hollywood.

Although small bags weren’t designed with utility at the forefront of the mind, it doesn’t mean they can’t serve as perfect handbag for a night out on the town. Our Glamor Rhinestone Shoulder Bag was designed for just those occasions and looks adorable while holding everything a girl might need for a shopping trip, or a dance party.
What ever the size or handbag needs you may have, City Life USA offers the full spectrum of style, versatility, and functionality as well as the latest styles and trends in handbags today.